New 2023 NIFTY-LIFT Articulated Boom Lift
Stock # 1021
<p><strong>In stock now!  … Call for your BEST price! Brand New 2023 SD64 4x4 Self Driving Niftylift</strong>.  This Kubota diesel powered lift has a working height of 70ft and is a dream to operate.  It only weighs 8700lbs making it the perfect lift for tree work and arbor care.   </p><p>Great lift for...</p><p>• Residential or Commercial Construction</p><p>• Painting & Pressure Washing</p><p>• Tree & Arbor Care</p><p>• Electrical & HVAC Service</p><p>• Sign Companies</p><p> </p>
Buckeye Rental & Equipment LLC
Marengo, OH